TMJ Disorders

What is TMJ (temporal mandibular joint) dysfunction?

What is TMJ (temporal mandibular joint) dysfunction?


TMJ disorders are caused by a dysfunction of the temporal mandibular joint, and the surrounding muscles and nerves. These disorders are often caused by muscle imbalances triggered by stress, trauma, an improper bite, arthritis or wear and tear.

What are some common symptoms of TMJ dysfunction?


Common symptoms of TMJ dysfunction include:
  • Pain
  • Locking
  • Clicking
  • Headaches


How is TMJ treated?


Physiotherapy is a proven, safe and effective treatment method to address some of the most common TMJ disorders. Your physiotherapist can use manual therapy to address TMJ dysfunction. Dry needling may also be used in treatment.

Our Story

Our name exemplifies the services we provide. CORE can be interpreted as your brain, body and who we surround ourselves with. KINESIS is the study of movement.

We strive to be an integral part of the community providing services to all family members regardless of age. 

Our Core Values are:

EMPOWER: educate with the knowledge to understand the body, making informed decisions for habit and lifestyle changes.

GROW: Take the knowledge to maximize positive growth in the body, mind and spirit.

EVOLVE: Don’t ever stop listening and adapt as needs demand.



Core Kinesis

Clinic H0urs

Monday-Friday: 8am – 7pm

Saturday: 10am – 12pm

Sunday: Closed